Dermal Fillers
As we age, our skin loses volume and this, together with loss of elasticity and deterioration in skin tone and surface texture contributes to the classic triad of the ageing signs of the face, Descent, Deterioration and Deflation. This last problem, Deflation, and to an extent, the first (descent) can be addressed by the careful use of dermal fillers. They were originally designed to soften the appearance of scars but, over time have come to be used increasingly for facial rejuvenation in the aesthetic industry.
Injectable filler (injectable cosmetic filler, injectable facial filler) is a soft tissue filler injected into the skin to help fill in facial wrinkles, restoring a smoother appearance. Most of these wrinkle fillers are temporary because they are eventually absorbed by the body.
Injectable fillers replace lost volume and enhance the contours of the face. Skilfully injected, by our medical practitioner, these fillers can smooth frown lines, smile lines and add volume. As a result, your face has a softer, more youthful appearance.
Some people may need more than one injection to achieve the wrinkle-smoothing effect. The effect lasts for about six months or longer. Successful results depend on health of the skin, skill of the health care provider and type of filler used.
What we can treat with this kind of procedure:
- Lips and perioral lines (lipstick lines, upper lip lines) - add volume to lips, hydrate lips, soften lines
- Non-Surgical Rhynoplasy - this is only cosmetic non functional
- Marionette lines - Soften the shadows below the corners of the mouth
- Nasolabial folds - fill in smile lines
- Cheeks/Midface - restore volume to the cheeks, lift the face, and emphasize the cheek bones
- Corners of mouth - reverse the downturn of the corners of the mouth seen with aging
- Jawline - sharpen the jawline and minimize the appear the jowls
- Prejowl - treat the area of volume loss just in front of the jowl but to the side of the chin
- Temples - treat the scalloped appearance of the upper face due to volume loss in this area
- Under eyes - improve dark circle and camouflage under eye puffiness
- Frown lines - used in combination with anti-wrinkle injections
- Forehead lines - for deep lines on the forehead which anti-wrinkle injections itself cannot completely treat
- Neck lines - filler in "necklace lines" on the neck
Complication and Doppler scan
Injections of dermal fillers is one of the most commonly performed procedures
in the cosmetic dermatology practice. As its usage is expanding, the possibility
of complications will likely increase.
Most of the complications associated with hyaluronic acid filler use are mild,
transient and reversible but some are not reversible.
The most serious complication of dermal fillers are vascular complications.
Vascular events usually occur as a result of accidental intra-vascular injection
of dermal filler into an artery. This serious complications due to vascular
occlusion include cutaneous necrosis and blindness, which although rare can
occur due to the compression of the vessel or direct intra-vascular injection.
In our practice all our staff is trained to provide a facial arterial mapping
with the utilization of a Doppler scan